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Bonaire Medical Student Highlight: Ashley Hayes

December 17, 2014
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At the Bonaire Saint James School of Medicine school, we are truly thankful to have such a bright and vibrant student body. Our students come from across the globe in the pursuit of a quality, affordable medical education and have the drive and charisma to exceed even their own expectations. Before our 2014 incoming classes began their first day of courses, we sat down with a number of them to get a gauge of their thoughts, feelings and goals regarding the next big step in their educational path. Today, meet Ashley Hayes!
View of the ideal scenery of the Caribbean What inspired you to become a physician? I’ve wanted to be a physician for as long as I could remember. Being able to positively impact another’s life is such a rewarding feeling. Being a physician is my calling. Knowing that I will be able to change lives for the better while living out my dream is the best inspiration! Why did you choose Saint James School of Medicine? Saint James offers a quality education at an extremely affordable rate. Additionally Saint James looks at the complete student as opposed to only considering grades. Physicians need to have so many other essential traits and Saint James seeks students that not only can excel academically but can also have the integrity it takes to be a physician. What influenced your decision on which school to attend? I decided on Bonaire because it was the first school to be established. Additionally, this school offers the same quality education at the least expensive tuition. How are you feeling in these last few weeks before you start? I am very anxious to get started. This will be a huge adjustment but I’m ready for the challenge. I’m overjoyed to know that I am embarking on the road to becoming a physician. Do you have any tips for future incoming students who will soon be in your situation? My advice for incoming students is to stay on top of the admission and immigration process. By doing so this will allow time to get other affairs in order. What are you looking forwards to in your first semester? I’m just looking forward to beginning this journey and soaking in all the information that I know will be given to me.
The first half of our 2015 open house schedule has been announced! To see what cities we are visiting next year, visit our open house website.  
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