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Coffee's Effects on the Heart: It's All in the Genes

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Coffee - every breakfast's best friend. With a Starbucks on every corner and Dunkin Donuts stepping up its iced coffee offerings, coffee has become an institution of the morning routine (and afternoon ... and evening ... ). With coffee continuing to grow in popularity globally, it's important to know the effects it's properties can have on the body. Scientists and doctors have spent years in labs around the world seeking to discover the effects of caffeinated coffee on the body, but results remain unclear. Some believe moderate coffee consumption is good for the body, while others fear it may have harmful effects on the kidneys, cause dehydration or even lead to heart disease. In the end, only one thing is certain: coffee effects us all differently. While one person may become anxious and jittery after one cup, another could consume four cups and barely keep their eyes open. A decade ago, Dr. El-Sohemy, a professor in the department of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto, was stumped by the many ways people react differently to coffee consumption. He theorized that the relationship between coffee and heart disease might vary from person to person, much like the people's reactions. According to Dr. El-Sohemy, there's a specific gene in the body designed to break down caffeine known as CYP1A2. Some people simply inherit a faster version of the gene allowing them to metabolize caffeine faster, while others inherit it's slower sibling. Taking this into consideration, Dr. El-Sohemy organized a study of some 4,000 adults, half with the fast CYP1A2 and half with the slow. Results showed that heavy coffee drinking lead to a higher risk of heart attacks in slow metabolizers, while high metabolizers displayed no increased risk. Dr. El-Sohemy thus concluded that caffeine hangs around longer in slow metabolizers, giving it more time to act as a trigger for heart attacks. Further studies have been conducted with consistent results. So, the next time you're enjoying a nice cup of joe, remember to thank your parents for those post-caffeine jitters.
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