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Information For

Help Your Child Choose
A Good Medical School

We understand that helping your child choose the right medical school can be stressful. Attending medical school represents a significant investment of time, energy and money and naturally you want to help your child choose a good medical school that is right for them.

Here are some of the common concerns we discuss with parents of prospective students.

If I Send My Son Or Daughter To A Medical School In The Caribbean, Will They Get A Job?

Saint James School of Medicine residency has a very high match rate, which means that our graduates are currently working in U.S. and Canadian hospitals in a wide array of specialties. Please find a sample list of our residents SJSM Sample Residency List.

As a top Caribbean medical school with accreditation, Saint James School of Medicine has a strong established network of U.S. hospitals and clinical institutions and we continuously invest in growing these affiliations.

Today almost one in four doctors in the U.S. is a graduate of a foreign medical school*. There has been no significant increase in the intake of U.S. medical schools in decades, while the number of qualified candidates increases every year. As a result some students with the potential to become excellent physicians miss out on a medical education. However your child doesn’t have to be one of them.

We want to make sure your son or daughter has the best chance for success in Saint James Medical School. Find out about our USMLE Step 1 Pass Guarantee..

Is St. Vincent Safe?

St. Vincent has a very low crime rate. There is a local police station your son or daughter can contact in case of an emergency. The island and its campus have a supportive community that looks out for each other.

Where Is My Son Or Daughter Going To Eat?

There are grocery stores, restaurants and fast food restaurants on the island. The local markets are the best way to sample fresh local produce and traditional dishes.

Who Are They Going To Live With?

Good affordable accommodation is readily available onthe island. Students have the option of living with a roommate or staying by themselves. Our Admissions team can give your child support and advice on finding accommodation.

Will My Son Or Daughter Be Able To Speak The Local Languages?

English is the official language in St. Vincent. Most Vincentians also speak Vincentian Creole, which combines elements of French, Antillean Creole, Spanish and Portuguese.

All Basic Science classes at Saint James School of Medicine are taught in English.

Are The Local People Friendly?

The local communities are helpful and welcoming to Saint James School of Medicine students. We encourage all our medical school students to take advantage of the opportunities offered by our community outreach programmes, which provide our students with opportunities to connect with the local communities and contribute to local healthcare, while getting valuable hands on experience.

Should My Son Or Daughter Be Vaccinated Before They Start On Campus?

There are no vaccinations required for St. Vincent.

Can You Drink The Water On St. Vincent?

The drinking water is generally safe on St. Vincent, however we advise that for peace of mind your child consults with the local community or their landlord to find out about their drinking water source.

Can I Visit My Child While They Are At Medical School In The Caribbean?

Yes indeed! It’s the perfect excuse for a Caribbean island holiday.

Visitors to St. Vincent need a valid passport and a round-trip ticket, returning within 90 days. Visitors from the U.S. and Canada do not require visas, however please check the local immigration requirements if you are a permanent resident with citizenship of another country, as visitors from some countries do require a visa.

St. Vincent: Contact the Government of St. Vincent & the Grenadines Ministry of National Security at +1 784 456-1111. Website is here.

Can I Attend Orientation With My Son Or Daughter?

We would love all parents to attend orientation. It is good to meet our students’ families and it can give parents peace of mind to see where their child will be studying.

Where Will My Son Or Daughter Go In Case Of A Medical Emergency?

There are hospitals and pharmacies where students can obtain prescription medication on the island.

How Can I Send My Son Or Daughter Money?

There are ATMs and banks throughout each island and major credit cards are accepted.

The local Postal Services handle money transfers, and your bank can also arrange a money transfer for you.

The currency in St. Vincent is the East Caribbean Dollar; however U.S. currency is widely accepted.

* Source Heath Affairs, Health Department State Report, Amy Hagopian, Matthew J. Thompson, Emily Kaltenbach and L. Gary Hart.

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