Dr. Ashraya Jagadeesh
When did you Join SJSM (year)?
Subjects Taught:
Microbiology, Immunology and BSCR
Faculty Rank:
Professor, Dean of Student Affairs
Academic Degree:
Bengaluru, India
Degree Obtained:
Years of Teaching Experience:
Years of Research Experience:
Notable Research Publications:
- Autoimmune Mechanisms of Interferon Hypersensitivity and Neurodegenerative Diseases: Down Syndrome
- Student evaluation of case studies to enhance learner centered teaching
- Interferon Stimulated Response Elements (ISRE) in Human Chromosome 21 Genes
List any awards or notable achievements:
- Golden Apple
Why I love teaching:
As a medical educator my biggest strength lies in my ability to integrate across disciplines owing to the number of different courses I have taught over the years.. This multidisciplinary approach has helped me present the big picture to the students allowing them to succeed on their board exams. In keeping up with the challenges and evolution of Medical Education and the responsibility of training physicians for the 21 century, I have transitioned to a more learner centered teaching with the application of sound pedagogical principles in delivering the curriculum. My current focus is in helping students develop critical clinical reasoning skills through engagement in active learning sessions. that include case based as well as problem based learning.
Outside of classroom:
Dancing, cooking and playing tennis