Saint James School of Medicine invites applications for faculty positions at our Caribbean medical campus, where we offer an intensive four-semester grounding in essential medical sciences preparing students for clinical rotations and USMLE.
Teach at SJSM
Sjsm Invites Applications

Teach Medicine
In The Caribbean
We currently have openings for Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors and Tutors. Faculty applicants must have teaching and/or research experience in the basic medical sciences and an MD, DO or PhD. Teaching experience in the US medical system is desirable. We encourage retired professors to apply.
Please fill in the application form provided to apply for any of the faculty positions and email us at if you have any questions. Please note only the filled in application forms will be considered by recruiting team.
Saint James School of Medicine is one of the Caribbean’s fastest growing medical schools and offers an attractive salary and benefits. Join our international team and help our committed and capable students realize their dream of becoming a physician.